Energy Efficiency Audits

Reduce peak demand and lower your energy costs through our efficiency solutions.

We Offer Demand-Side Plans That Perform

Efficiency Solutions

There are two ways to lower your electric bills: (1) pay less for each unit of electricity consumed; and (2) use less electricity. Through our vast industry relationships, we offer effective energy efficiency solutions that are a comprehensive approach to demand-side management. As a customer of Texas Select Energy, you can rest assured knowing that your energy management needs are being handled by experts. If you are interested in an energy audit to determine where you might be able to save, contact our team of energy professionals today.


Our Partners

We have relationships with the nation’s leading energy companies and providers. Here are some of our Texas partners.


Building Audits

Energy efficiency solutions for commercial and industrial customers often begin with comprehensive building audits. These audits identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and improve overall building performance. Our team will:


HVAC Optimization

HVAC optimization is a critical component of energy efficiency solutions for commercial customers, focusing on enhancing system performance and reducing energy waste. Proper optimization ensures that HVAC systems operate at peak efficiency, and are calibrated properly to reduce energy waste. Our team of HVAC experts will:

Lighting Programs

LED lighting retrofits are a popular energy efficiency solution for commercial and industrial customers, offering significant reductions in energy usage and costs. By upgrading to LED technology, businesses can achieve improved lighting quality and longer-lasting fixtures. The benefits of LEDs include:


Incentive Research

Energy efficiency incentive research and acquisition is a valuable service for commercial customers looking to capitalize on financial incentives for adopting efficiency technology. Our service helps businesses navigate the often complex landscape of grants, rebates, and tax incentives. We offer:

Demand Response

Our demand response services for commercial and industrial customers provide a strategic approach to managing energy consumption during peak demand periods, helping to reduce energy costs and obtain cash rebates. We help businesses to lower or shift their energy use during critical times, aligning financial benefits with energy efficiency. 


Load Shaving

Our demand load-shaving services for commercial and industrial customers focus on reducing peak energy consumption to lower energy costs during higher-cost market hours. This proactive energy management strategy adjusts power usage during high-cost peak periods to achieve more consistent energy demand and cost savings. We offer:

Get in touch with us

Our team of energy professionals is waiting for your call. We offer free energy load evaluations to help you find the best product to reduce costs and manage risk.