New Meter Installs

Moving into a new facility? We will set up your electric meter with the utility.

Rely On Our Team For New Meter Installation

Meter Construction Management Services

Installing a new electric meter for commercial use typically involves several stages, each critical to ensure that the meter functions correctly and complies with local regulations. If you are moving facilities, starting new construction, or adding on to your existing facility, we can help manage the meter installation and permitting process.


Our Partners

We have relationships with the nation’s leading energy companies and providers. Here are some of our Texas partners.


Temporary Meter Inspections

Before any project begins, a temporary or construction meter is often installed to manage power needs during the construction process. This meter requires an inspection to ensure it is set up correctly and safely, and that it meets all local code requirements. Our team offers:


Installation Of Temp Meter

Once inspected and approved, the temporary meter is installed. This allows the construction site to have an electrical power supply for tools and equipment needed during the building phase. Our team will handle:

Permanent Meter Inspections

Similar to the temporary meter inspection, the site and the electrical setup must be inspected again before the permanent meter can be installed. This inspection ensures that all electrical wiring and components are up to code and can safely handle the electrical load. Our team offers:


Permitting Process

This step involves obtaining the necessary permits from local authorities or municipalities. Permits are crucial as they ensure that the meter installation adheres to all local, state, and federal regulations. The permitting process may involve several bureaucratic steps and inspections. We offer:

Installation Of Permanent Meter Service

After passing all inspections and obtaining the required permits, the permanent meter can be installed. This meter will be used to monitor and record the electricity usage of the commercial building. Our team handles:


Live Meter Activation

With the permanent meter in place, it will begin live metering of electricity usage. This data is crucial for billing and energy management purposes. Meter activation may be required with the local utility to begin usage reading. We offer:

Get in touch with us

Our team of energy professionals is waiting for your call. We offer free energy load evaluations to help you find the best product to reduce costs and manage risk.